
BSA Update Placed on 3 April 2024

After some discussions within the study programme, it has been decided to change the BSA requirements of the Bachelor of Applied Mathematics. The reason for this change was partly caused by the results of the Analysis tests being lower than expected. The BSA requirements changes are only relevant to the students who started their studies in the academic year 2023/2024. The following changes have been made:

-Students now need to get at least 40 EC (instead of 45 EC)
-Students now need to pass 5 out of 8 key courses in the first year (instead of 6 out of 8 key courses)


Besides this, an extra test opportunity for Analysis 2 will be given to all the freshmen. The date for this exam is Monday the 15th of July at 8:45. We from Abacus hope that this will help the freshmen pass their first year!

Applied Mathematics Education Award 2024 Placed on 25 March 2024

This year we once again held our annual competition for the best teacher at Applied Mathematics! After a hard-fought battle, Frederic Schuller receives the AMEP, which until recently was held by last year’s winner, Matthias Walter. 

For this event, the students could nominate their favourite teachers to give a short talk during the break, which would decide who they deem the best teacher of the year. The nominated teachers were Giorgio Micali, Hans Zwart and Frederic Schuller. 

The event was held in a large room in the Technohal. Within no time, the flood of mathematicians became so large that the room was filled, and some of the latecomers had to find their chairs from outside. It seems the expectations were quite high this year!


And the expectations surely were met. Hans Zwart showed that the zeroes of a function can say something about the zeroes of its derivative. Giorgio Micali showed us some interesting mathematics that can be applied at any party. But the winning talk was that of Frederic Schuller, who convinced the entire audience to see matrices in a different light.

The education committee would once again like to thank all of the speakers, and in particular congratulate Frederic Schuller on winning the AMEP of 2024! 

IDEEEM Gala Theme Revealed Placed on 7 March 2024

On the 26th of March, it is time for the IDEEEM Gala! Together with fellow students from Scintilla, Proto, and Daedalus, you can party all night long while enjoying unlimited beer, wine, soda, and more. With this year's theme 'Under the stars' it is ensured to be a magical night! Be sure to secure your ticket and dance the night away at Metropool Enschede. 

Kangoeroe Competition

Calendar Week overview | Month overview


Blind Beer Tasting @ Abscint 30

Come and join this craft beer tasting!

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FriAD (A)bac(ch)us @ Abscint

Kick off the weekend with the FriAD of our beautiful association Abacus!

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Escape The Horsttower @ Horst 4 / 4

Join this Abacus X Inter-Actief activity in the Horsttower!

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Lunch lecture Teqram @ RA 3334 9

In this lunch lecture, Teqram will provide a short overview of the company, who they are and what they do, and they will show some typical problems you might encounter if you were working at Teqram, covering vision processing, robot movement, and user input. Of course, there will also be plenty of time for questions about whatever (Teqram-related) questions you have.

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Homemade Wednesday @ Abacus Room

Tess Frijters is making cookies, come to the Abacus room if you want some!

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Send your ideas for Abacus to ideabox@abacus.utwente.nl!