About Milo Wullink

Milo Wullink

Dear reader,


Allow me to take you on a detailed tour of my life, my hobbies, and the delightful quirks that have woven the tapestry of my existence. I'm Milo Wullink, a self-professed math aficionado with an insatiable appetite for adventure and a penchant for the unexpected.


My journey began in the charming village of Vorden in the Achterhoek (vo). It was here, in the local hospital on a fateful day in 2003, that I made my debut in this world. My parents couldn't have known at the time that they had brought into this world a future mathematician and a connoisseur of the finer things in life.


My educational odyssey kicked off at Het Hoge Primary School, where I embarked on my academic pursuits at the tender age of 3. From 2006 to 2015, this quaint schoolhouse was my sanctuary, a place where I first encountered the magical world of numbers and discovered the joys of learning. Sorting my toy cars from small to big, making the most amazing marble tracks inside one cubic meter including loopings and funnels or making the largest hopscotch track spanning multiple streets and counting 5000 tiles. 


With my primary school years behind me, I stepped into the whirlwind that was high school, enrolling at Isendoorn College from 2015 to 2021. Those were the formative years when I learned that math wasn't the only puzzle life had in store for me. High school brought its own set of challenges, from navigating the treacherous waters of teenage bullies to pondering what perfume attracts the most girls while still being affordable.


The year 2021 marked a significant milestone as I took the plunge into the university life. The University of Twente became my new playground, and I embarked on a journey through the world of Applied Mathematics. If you ever find yourself wondering why someone would willingly dive into the intricacies of equations and proofs, I'll let you in on a little secret – it's because there's an undeniable beauty in solving complex mathematical conundrums. It's like being a detective, but instead of solving crimes, you're unravelling the secrets of the universe, one equation at a time.


But life is more than just books and numbers. When I'm not immersed in the intellectual pursuits of academia, you'll often spot me outdoors, hitting the pavement for a run. Running has become my trusted companion, a way to escape the constraints of the classroom and the confines of life as a whole. There's something liberating about the rhythmic pounding of sneakers on the pavement, and it's during these moments of solitude that I find the joy of life. 


Currently, I have gotten the title of Officer of External Affairs for the 56th board of the study association W.S.G. Abacus. Which is formal and all. I would like to keep it humble It's a role that combines my love for Abacus with my enthusiasm for forging connections and exploring other disciplines of life. Learning some of the extracurricular skills in life.


So, there you have it – a more extensive look into my world, my passion for numbers, my zest for adventure, and my journey from the small-town kid who played with Lego and marbles to the university student studying Applied Mathematics. Life's an intriguing journey, isn't it? Who could have predicted that those early mathematical escapades would pave the way for my current pursuits? But hey, that's the charm of life – it's a never-ending adventure, and I'm here to embrace every twist and turn, equipped with a smile and a calculator, ready for whatever comes my way.


PS: That photo was taken on my Nintendo DSi