New functionality on the website

Wednesday 2 november 2022 11:06

Since the summer holidays a lot of new features have been added to the website.

To start, you can now search through all the quotes on the quote page and find out what crazy things you said while at Abacus.

Secondly, you can now find summaries of all your favorite subjects under 'Exams'. If you have a summary that you want on the website, send it to education@abacus.utwente.nl.

There is now also a section for the Game of the Week, where you can leave a review for your favourite and less favourite games.

Under 'Association papers' you can now find the freshmen mini-almanac, the Ideaal!, WHALEs and some other things, such as recordings of the Christmas stories.

Finally, under 'Education', a new section 'Bouquet' has been added where you can recommend a teacher to receive a bouquet from the Education committee!