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Applied Mathematics Education Award 2024 Monday 25 March 2024 08:50
This year we once again held our annual competition for the best teacher at Applied Mathematics! After a hard-fought battle, Frederic Schuller receives the AMEP, which until recently was held by last year’s winner, Matthias Walter.
For this event, the students could nominate their favourite teachers to give a short talk during the break, which would decide who they deem the best teacher of the year. The nominated teachers were Giorgio Micali, Hans Zwart and Frederic Schuller.
The event was held in a large room in the Technohal. Within no time, the flood of mathematicians became so large that the room was filled, and some of the latecomers had to find their chairs from outside. It seems the expectations were quite high this year!
And the expectations surely were met. Hans Zwart showed that the zeroes of a function can say something about the zeroes of its derivative. Giorgio Micali showed us some interesting mathematics that can be applied at any party. But the winning talk was that of Frederic Schuller, who convinced the entire audience to see matrices in a different light.
The education committee would once again like to thank all of the speakers, and in particular congratulate Frederic Schuller on winning the AMEP of 2024!

IDEEEM Gala Theme Revealed Thursday 7 March 2024 14:17
On the 26th of March, it is time for the IDEEEM Gala! Together with fellow students from Scintilla, Proto, and Daedalus, you can party all night long while enjoying unlimited beer, wine, soda, and more. With this year's theme 'Under the stars' it is ensured to be a magical night! Be sure to secure your ticket and dance the night away at Metropool Enschede.

Exams and summaries uploaded on the site! Wednesday 28 February 2024 15:44
A lot of exams and summaries are now uploaded on the site under 'Exams'! Sadly, we have not received every exam from this year, so some exams are missing on the site. If you have an exam or a nice summary that is not on the website yet, you can hand it to the officer educational affairs and he will upload it! You will even receive a cookie for it!
NEEMCS-Trip 2024 Interest List Friday 9 February 2024 13:43
On the 8th of May, it is finally time for the NEEMCS-Trip* to take place! From the 8th until the 12th Inter-Actief, Scintilla and Abacus will visit a European city together. Together we will be doing multiple activities, from taking in the city's culture to attending various parties. You are free to choose which activities you want to attend. Are you interested in joining the NEEMCS-Trip? Then you can already indicate your interest through the form below!
Forms Interest List NEEMCS-trip 2024:
*NEEMCS-Trip: Nice Epic European Magical College Students Trip

Study trip Mαthεns Wednesday 1 November 2023 10:33
During the lunch break on the 31st of October, the destination of Studytour Mαthεns was revealed.
From the fourth until the eleventh of August 2024, around 17 Applied Mathematics students will travel to Athens, Greece!
Here, they will answer the research question "How do the ancient Greek mathematicians influence the world of today?" by visiting interesting companies and institutions, and by doing some research beforehand. To finance the study trip, the participants will do a mathematical case of roughly 30 hours at a company or university. Next to this, there will be a personal contribution of at most €400.
For the mathematical case, we expect students to have at least 120 ECs when the trip starts.
When people have at least 90 ECs at the time of application but do not expect 120 ECs when the trip starts, they can replace the case by doing roughly 30 hours of TA jobs.
For the application procedure, we expect all interested people to email between now and November 15 2023, 23:59. The email should include at least a short motivational letter.More information will follow afterwards, and if you have any questions you can send an email to the same email address.
We hope to receive your application!
The study trip committee of Stichting Reizende Studenten Abacus

New Board Wednesday 13 September 2023 14:10
On the 5th of September, the 56th board of W.S.G Abacus was constituted as follows:
- Chairman: Jonne Poels
- Secretary: Emile van der Veer
- Treasurer: Mark Tijhaar
- Officer of Educational Affairs and Officer of Internal Affairs: Quinten van Dongen
- Officer of External Affairs: Milo Wullink
- General Adjunct: Len Spek
We thank the previous board for their dedication.

Lost and Found Friday 8 September 2023 14:37
Dear all,
In front of the Abacus room, under the coat rack, the lost and found is located. This lost and found is extremely full with stuff that has been there for a long time. We will be cleaning this. Anything that is still on, under or near the coat rack on September 16th will be removed. Make sure to take your stuff and check whether there is anything that might be yours!
Flowers Education committee Friday 8 September 2023 12:12
In quartile 4, the Education committee gave a bouquet to Philip Lederer! Philip took over the master course Finite Element Method (FEM), halfway through the semester. Previously there were a lot of complaints about the course, but Philip explained the subject from scratch and got every student up-to-date. The final projects were somewhat elaborate and difficult for the students, but Philip made time to meet with each project group face-to-face and helped them to finish their projects. In the end, the students felt that they actually understood the method, and were happy that they got to apply it to interesting real-life applications. Once again, thank you Philip, for your time and for your effort!

Flowers from the education committee Monday 5 June 2023 08:50
In this quartile, the Education committee has awarded Lilian Spijker with a nice bouquet of flowers. Lilian Spijker is highly appreciated by the students with her work as the study advisor, helping students with their education program or other issues. So the Education committee thinks that Lilian definitely has earned her bouquet. Thank you Lilian for all your hard work!

Announcement Candidate Board 2023-2024 Friday 28 April 2023 08:44
We are proud to announce the candidates for the 56th board of W.S.G. Abacus as they were revealed on April 26. We hope that they will be officially constituted in September to lead the association next academic year as follows:
Chairman - Jonne Poels
Secretary - Emile van der Veer
Treasurer - Mark Tijhaar
Officer of Internal Affairs and Educational Affairs - Quinten van Dongen
Officer of External Affairs - Milo Wullink
General Adjunct - Len Spek
We would like to wish them good luck for the coming months as candidate board members and for next year as well.
Yaba Daba Doo - Board 55
F.L.T.R: Len, Quinten, Emile, Jonne, Mark & Milo