About Cas Sitvast

Cas Sitvast

Arnhem, October 2nd 1996 at 2:45 PM, a cry pierced the air, a legend was born. Who would have thought that this child would grow out to be one of the treasurers of W.S.G. Abacus. "Well, how did this happen?" you might wonder. I will try to answer this question for you.


On this lovely day were not 1 but 2 children born, carrying the same surname Sitvast. For not only me but also my little brother was born that day. And yes you heard it right I said "my little brother". Since he is a full half an hour younger than me. Not only is this very important to remind him of this fact as often as possible, it is also a very useful tool in winning discussions, because I am older and therefore wiser. Since wisdom comes with age.


When me and my brother were added to the family, the count of family members reached its summit: 5. Eventhough my older sister did not really agree with us, she learned to deal with it.

A few years later I went to the kindergarten for the very first time. Which was a fun experience for the most time, I think. I can't remember much of it, only the first day there, is still fresh in my mind. Eventhough there is only one thing I can remember about that day and that is crying against the door until my father would return.

After kindergarten is when the fun started: primary school. It was then that people first noticed my greatness. And great I was, in the 8th year of school I already was 1.77 meters, making me the tallest of my class but also making me taller than most of the teachers. 

But not only my length was growing, also my understanding of math was growing by the day. Since in the 6th year of school I already started with math with some book that tried to explain square roots, using square carrots and melons. All pretty weird and I did not really understand anything of it, yet it did spark the fire in my mathematical heart.

Only two years later it was, when I made the biggest mistake of my life. I chose to go to the Gymnasium.


At the Gymnasium I learned a lot of things, among them were greek and latin. There is a reason why these languages are so called dead languages, namely everyone who spoke it bored themselves to death. But I did improve my math skills and was soon hooked on making excersises.


After the gymnasium I started studying here and after two years I became the treasurer of W.S.G. Abacus. 


I hope ladies and gentlemen I didn't bore you to death, if I did that's to bad for you.


With kind regards,


Cas Sitvast


Treasurer of the 51st board of W.S.G.Abacus.