February 2025 January 2025 | March 2025

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
16:00 FriAD

Inter-Actief kicks off the weekend

11:45 Voortman Steel Group Excursion
Voortman Steel Group Excursion
Ozonstraat 1, Rijssen

Do you remember the Voortman Lunch Lecture? Britt van Oosten talked about a problem that she worked on: Voortman has a machine that can cut out shapes out of metal sheets. Voortman wants to minimise the amount of metal wasted, which results in an optimization problem similar to the binpacking problem.

Well now is your chance to take a look in the factory of Voortman! Come join us in Rijssen and see what Voortman has to offer.

16:00 Wednesday Afternoon Drink
Wednesday Afternoon Drink

Join the Wednesday afternoon drink and start off your module right!

12:45 Lunch Lecture AIVD
Lunch Lecture AIVD
RA 3334

This lunch lecture will be given in Dutch.

This lunch lecture is explicitly for Dutch speaking mathematics students

You may not bring your phone and/or camera or you need to hand it in at the door.

You may only apply for a job at AIVD if you own a Dutch ID for at least 10 years.


Come by to hear more about what they do and how mathematics is used within AIVD.

16:00 FriAD 07-02-2025
FriAD 07-02-2025

Abacus kicks off the weekend!

12:00 Start Abacus Chess Tournament
Start Abacus Chess Tournament

Show your chess skills in this chess tournament!

12:45 MEL - Master Evaluation Lunch
MEL - Master Evaluation Lunch
Hal B 2F

Come share your feedback on the Master courses of Q2 over lunch! Please include any dietary wishes in the comments. 

16:00 Prom theme reveal + date event
Prom theme reveal + date event

The prom theme will be revealed! Furthermore, after the reveal, you will have the opportunity to mingle with the other associations and perhaps find yourself a date.

16:00 FriAD

Scintilla kicks off the weekend!

16:00 Board Speed Dates
Board Speed Dates

Do you want to know what the board does the entire day? Come by and ask!

10:00 Business Days Career Fair
Business Days Career Fair
Grolsch Veste

During the biggest event of the Business Days, the Career Fair, you have the chance to meet over 170 companies! Whether you’re looking for a (final) internship or a job position, or whether you’re just looking around, be sure to visit the Fair. There is no need to sign up!

More information can be found here: https://www.businessdaystwente.nl/career-fair/

20:00 Cantus

An evening of singing, drinking, and a lot of mischief!

10:00 Business Days Career Fair
Business Days Career Fair
Grolsch Veste

During the biggest event of the Business Days, the Career Fair, you have the chance to meet over 170 companies! Whether you’re looking for a (final) internship or a job position, or whether you’re just looking around, be sure to visit the Fair. There is no need to sign up!

More information can be found here: https://www.businessdaystwente.nl/career-fair/

12:30 MOD 7 Integration activity
MOD 7 Integration activity
RA 2504

Come and meet TCS students to form a project group for the seventh Module!