Educational support

The university offers a lot of support but it can be hard to find information about it. Therefore, an overview of the educational and mental support that is offered, is collected here. By clicking on the text that you are interested in, you are redirected to the correct website.

Links to websites about the programme AM

There is quite a lot of information about the course of the study AM available at the university site, both for bachelor and master. For orientation on a master, a lot of information about the master AM can also be found in the information brochure.

You can also immediately take a closer look at the different courses that are offered in each specialization of the master AM (for a clear overview scroll down). It is also possible to follow courses of Mastermath.

More information about the internship in the master, can be found on the EEMCS wide page.

Links to student facilities

This page contains quicklinks to all useful sites, like Osiris and UTflex.   

This page contains information about general student facilities. However the webroom booking site, where you can book a room for, for example, project meetings for free, changed recently, so the correct redirect can be found here.

Offered courses

Recently a canvas page about mental well being is published. Here you can find more information about looking after yourself/others, studentpsychologists and studyskills. 'Enrolling' for the canvas page is possible by clicking here

Here you can find an overview of the (free) courses around the topic of student well being that the UT offers, for example workshop time management, self image, how to deal with stress or mindfulness. The UT also offer courses to improve your educational related skills, like pitching or academic writing, which can be found here.