
Every study association needs a website, and the www.com makes sure this website runs smoothly. This committee designs and builds the website. They also take care of the cookie terminal and the TV screens. The website runs in a big PHP-framework, Symfony. Git is being used for version control.

The website contains a lot of functionalities, most of them not available for everyone. The user management, weekly mail, and the cookie terminal are also managed via the website.

You don’t need programming or website experience to be a part of the www.com. Everything will be explained by your fellow committee members.

This committee has also organised an escape room, together with the Ab-Actie.

Log in to email this committee.

Committee members

  • Floris Buijnsters
  • Wessel Heerink
    Full-Stack Pizza Provider
  • Jorn de Jong
    Officer promotional affairs
  • Daan Pluister
  • Jelle Roessink
  • Rutger Schrijver
  • Milo Wullink