Twick-In 2021

The Twick-In organizes the faculty Kick-In each year. The Twick-In usually consists of students in their second or third year of the bachelor. The Twick-In looks for do-group parents, divides them into do-groups, informs them about the training they’ll need to do and tells them how to get shirts for their do-group. The Twick-In also organizes the do-group market and dinner on the first day of the Kick-In. Of course the Twick-In also takes care of the camp during the faculty Kick-In.
The Twick-In needs to inform the do-groups, keep in touch with the Kick-In Committee, and be available for all questions from the new students and other Abacus members during the camp. The Twick-In meets once per week and sometimes has a brainstorm to come up with games or to make a grocery list.